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Monthly Billing
Annual Billing
Savings = 4 free months.
Every plan has full access to the entire site and all features. This includes our full collection of Persian-language videos, with complete subtitles, painstakingly created transliterations, grammar break-downs and an English translation, as well as our learner's dictionary.

You can try the site for free for 7-days, and cancel without subscribing. Your card will not be charged.

After 7 days, you will be charged the price of your chosen plan, and then again at the beginning of every month (or your chosen interval).

You can cancel at any time and will keep having access to the site until the end of the period you already paid for.

We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express cards.

We are also looking into supporting further payment methods in the future, including SEPA direct debits and crypto currency. If you do not have a credit card, please contact us.